3 Sahabat

3 Sahabat

Sunday, December 4, 2011

No more sub 4 or sub 5 hours..

Before i start crapping anything.. i want to share my running diary.. =)

Super Marathon (55KM)
1. Jelapang Kedah Super Marathon 2.10.2011 (2011)- 7:41.58 hours

Full Marathon (42.195KM)
1. Standard Chartered Kuala Lumpur International Marathon 26.6.2011 (2011) - 6:38.04 hours.
2. Taiping International Marathon 25.9.2011(2011) - 5:21.03 hours.
3. Putrajaya Night Marathon 15.10.2011 (2011) - 5:46.54 hours
4. Penang Bridge International Marathon 20.11.2011 (2011) - 5:01:13 hours

 Half Marathon (21.0975KM)
1. Penang Bridge International HM- somewhere in NOVEMBER(2009) 26KM - 2:56.07 hours
2. Seremban Half marathon 10.7.2011 (2011) - 2:17.54 hours
3. Petaling Jaya Half Marathon 30.10.2011 (2011) - 2:07.11 hours
4. X3 State Half Marathon 4.12.2011 (2011) - 2:05:55 hours
5. Newton 25KM 1.1.2012 (2012) - SOON

Orait, Today i finished my 4th half marathon and i did my personal best on my running. Im proud of myself even though it was way far from sub 2 hour for half marathon. Never mind, i still got room for improvement. Today, my running was quite good with a perfect weather and route. So i manage to finish 2 minutes earlier than Petaling jaya HM,...
Here is the cert and medal that i got this morning.,

After i did my 4th HM..  i started aiming for SUB4 for my FM.. i saw lots of my friends are running with sub4 today.. some of them in Singapore, n some in Hong Kong.. Reading their post saying that they had done a sub4, i started to get jealous. Why am i jealous?? i also dont know why.. maybe because i still cant catch their pace. Then i started to think, how am i going to be like them?? i did plan everything.. all the training and eating part..

But now, once i started writing in my blog, i question cross my mind. it just a simple question.. it is "What actually the purpose of you are running all those event?? is it for glory or for your health?"  This simple question makes me realized 1 thing. Before i started running in june 2011, i said to myself, "i run this because i want to lost weight and keep healthy". But now, i started to aim something else.. What is the reason?? what the hell is this?? oh mannn!!!

Now, i think, running with sub 5 or sub 4, is doesnt matter, i will just run as long as i can keep fit and maintain a healthy life style.. So, remember, i will just run for health reason n make friends while running. Timing is nothing actually for me.. i just give my best, if i get my personal best, it is a rewards for me. =).

Therefore, in the next run, i will just follow my own pace and just enjoy the scenery. i know, no body from malaysia can beat the kenyan pace.. so, what for im training harder?? am i going to beat them?? be realistic, there is no malaysian runner so far can beat kenyan.. so i believe that i also cant do the crazy thing.. hahaha.. My next aim is, keep healthy and run for my life.. no more sub 4 or sub 5 hours..

So long all the sub,sub soi.. hahaha,..

Friday, December 2, 2011

Step nk jadi ULTRAMAN..

Hari ni aku sgt berkobar2 nk jadi ultraman.. korg faham x ultraman aku kat sini maksud dia ape?? Maybe certain org akan cakap aku ni obsess dengan lari.. gile kejar menda tah.. misi aku ialah nk jd ultraman.. Ultraman kat sini bermaksud, aku teringin sgt nk berlari ULTRA MARATHON 100KM.. lepas je aku tamat larian ni, aku akan jadi ultraman.. nk jadi superman kat kedah hari tu pun aku dh pancit, tp xpe.. org kate, hidup ni kene ade matlamat.. so, matlamat aku skng, aku nk lari ULTRA MARATHON pulak.. SUPER MARATHON aku dh lari kat kedah, 55KM.. so, im officially a SUPERMAN now.. Jangan Jeles.. haha

Skng ni aku tgh giat bertanya sifu2 ultraman ni, mcm mane dorg training, n ape yg dorg buat. So far, alhamdulillah aku dh dapat byk sgt knowledge.. dan hari ni aku bertekad nk jadi ultraman thn depan dengan berat badan aku 75kg je.. klu aku xdapat berat tu, maybe aku kene tggu dlu..

Step yg aku akan amek utk jadi ultraman ni:
1: Makan mesti start kene control dh..
2: Say "NO" to ice..
3: Lari marathon sub 5hours.
4: lari 10km sub 1hours.
5: kayuh beskal 150KM seminggu..
6: tny sifu2 lagi tentang tips..
7: berlari seminggu 50++KM.
8: weight training sendiri.. buat je ape yg dh belaja dlu.
9: Fokus n jangan peduli nk org kate mu gile or ape2 pun.
10: bgn pg mesti stretching..

wat masa ni, 10 ni dlu step aku akn buat.. so, what i want to say is.. Good LUCK to ME..

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Thanks for all the wishes,.,
Terima Kasih atas ingatan dan doa2 utk diriku..
Ku amat menghargainya..

Semoga masuknya umur baru ni, aku akan lebih sihat dan dijauhkan dari segala penyakit.. amin.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Menjumpai jaguh..

Hari ni aku just nk share sesuatu yg aku rs ini adalah sebab kenapa aku perlu teruskn bersukan dan bersenam. Perjalanan pulang aku dari sungai petani ke kelantan hari ni begitu istimewa. Ape yg istimewa sgt?? masa aku dalam perjalanan dari grik, aku ternampak seorg pemuda berkayuh basikal Road bike. Tezzz.. terkejut la yea, aku tgk dia naik solo, berkayuh naik bukit grik.

Pergh..saat aku tengok mamat tu kayuh, aku terdetik dah.. gile stylo mamat ni, kayuh sorg2 naik grik.. keje gile ke hape. Then aku terus je jalan then lepak kat ats bukit kat R&R titiwangsa tu. biasa la, bile lepak situ, aku xmakan nasi pun, layan kuih pow je.. gile best. tgh duk layan2 mkn, aku pun pg amek gamba.. Tiba2...... aku tgk mamat yg berkayuh td sampai. Mula2 aku tgk dia sampai tu, mmg aku terkejut la kn.. Perghhh.. laju la sial mamat ni kayuh(berbisik dlm hati).. dengan xmalunye.. aku pun g tny.. Salam bang.. uiks.. sekali gua tgk dia kn.. bukan bro la yea.. ni uncle dh ni. aku pun tny, bang nk pg mane ni bekayuh?? dari mane?? dengan selamba pakcik tu jawab. Pakcik dari Terengganu ke Grik semalam, hari ni nk balik terengganu balik.. tezzz.. sekali lagi gua terkejut beruk.. gile hape pakcik ni, klu naik bas pun 2 hari.. ni dia naik basikal je.. korang nk tgk beskal dia?? ni haa...
Beskal pakcik tu.

Basikal Brand FUJI.. gune gear set SHIMANO TIAGRA 9speeds. Tezzz.. aku tgk beskal pakcik ni, aku terus rasa, brother ni legend ni.. Or ape yg korang rasa?? dia xde la guna dura ace ke, ultegra ke.. biasa je.. Korg boleh tgk sendiri la beskal dia.

Lepas gua g amek gamba ni, gua pg jumpe balik pakcik tu.. tetiba, aku diacukn soalan best. "Eh, adik lari marathon ke?? buat brape jam??"aku dengan konfiden jawab, "sy buat 5jam pakcik.. knp??" pakcik tu selamba jawab.. "owh.. sbb badan adik ni besar, so mmg mcm tu la time dia. pakcik 20 thn dlu pun lari marathon.. pakcik punye time 3jam45minit je"..  Sekali lagi aku tersentap.. gile hape pakcik ni.. laju tu.. tezzz.. gile terbakar aku pastu. Terus aku berbisik dalam hati.. Aku nk jadi mcm dia gak.. sihat sampai ke tua. lari marathon wat Sub 4 hours n kayuh beskal jauh2. dia ade gak ajak aku join berkayuh nnt. aku pun amek la no hp dia.. kut2 ade mase, boleh la aku join.. huhu. Aku sempat gak bergambar jap dengan pakcik tu.. ni la pakcik tu. nama Mat Noor.

Satu info pasal pakcik ni.. dia dh round 1malaysia dlm seminggu.

Apa2 pun, hari ni aku bertekad, aku akan bersukan sampai ke tua. walau apa pun jadi, aku akan cube amalkan hidup yg sihat. Akan ku jg diri ini.. semoga dipermudahkan ALLAH S.W.T. Amin.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Sub 5 is the aim..

Running a marathon is not a simple thing to do in your life. But trust me, if you have the passion and strenght, you can do it. Just remember, to finish a marathon is easy, but to qualify for the medal is difficult. Maybe some event offers you 7hours cut off time. Then it will be an easy thing to do. But if they said that the cut off time is 6 hours. then it will be a bit trouble for you.

I have run my first full marathon on Standard Chartered Kuala Lumpur International Marathon 2011 on 26th June 2011. It was my first FM in my life. Honestly im telling you, i was running without any training before that. My last run before the marathon was my 8KM malakoff run in penang. Then i straight register for the FM. How crazy am i rite?? hahaha.. That is what we call, Crazy people, do unexpected things. hahaha..

Now, after 5 marathon, i felt that im ready for the next marathon and whenever it is, i will be ready with my training. Running a marathon need a full of passion where you need to focus on the route and run. Everyone can run as i said before, but for me.. im different from them. I like to improve my own time and my personal best. so currently, my personal best for FM is 5:01:13 hours and my pace is 7.06 minutes per kilometer.

Now, im planning to reduce the pace/km which my target pace now is 6minutes and below.. How am i going to do that?? thats is the problem.. now, im still searching for the best running teachnique and workout training.. So, im goin to start my training by today to reach my target of SUB 5 hours for FM next year..

Thursday, November 17, 2011

NOTA SPP utk kwn2..

Kat sini aku ade byk file tentang SPP yg aku nk share dengan kwn2. Ramai org kate SPP ni susah. kadang2 ade jugak yg tanya, benda ape SPP tu.. SPP adalah Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Pelajaran.. Sebelum aku berceloteh byk lg pasal SPP.. better KOrang donlod file aku dh combine ni dlu.. Pastu korg pegi la study.. SPP ni skng penting, jd kepada mereka yg br nk amek SPP ni, Aku doakan korg boleh buat dan selamat mentelaah harta benda kerajaan..

Ni Link utk donlod nota SPP yg aku dh combinekn.. Serious aku cakap, sape xamek, mmg rugi la.. OK..
Selamat mendonlod yea..


Selamat menghadapi temuduga anda kelak.. Gud Luck to all TESLIAN..

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

1st step to be a marathon runner..

What will you do if you are aiming to be a marathon runner??

For me, what i did today was, i did register for a tournament.. i know that it will be a tough challenge for me because i dont have enough training.. but what you need is, just give a try.. You wouldnt know whether you can do it or not if you dont give a try. what i did was, i registered for towerthon competition, which it will take around 2km of running and around 1+++ steps to go up the tower.

Later, i will try harder to hit the 42km at least. Maybe some people might say that it is something stupid to be done. So please dont be down from what your said to you. just go there and try it yourself. People never try, never know and get the experience. so, my advice for you guys out there, go out and fill up as much tournament as you can.. (Dont force yourself, if you cannot run, just walk.)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

a brand new casio sgw200 really burst my desire to run back..

20th of may 2011... that was the day i started to do something new which i know that it is going to be a START for me.. money and desire.. which come first? first is desire, than comes money.. that was what i did on that day.. start to find timex sleek 150laps, but at last, buying a casio sgw 200.. hahaha.. what a funny thing..

how ever, searching for timex have made me went around komtar and area around komtar.. i believe that if i didnt search for timex, i wouldnt have reached the penang times sequare. for me, times sequare was not ready to receive any visit from the people or buyer who would like to do a shooping there. maybe end of 2011, it will be 100% open for all..

Back to business, running, timing the pace,calculate your calories and your aim to achieve the goal are all come together. So, we you are running, that are the aim. some people said that, running is to lose weight. Yeah, its true... many people run because they dont want their fren to call him/her as FAT!!(gemuk, buntal, chubby.. and many more).. so, they run.. it is actually same goes to me, where i also run to lose weight at first, but thenm when i started to run, i feel enjoy and i think that running is good for my health.. + im having a spinal pain if i gain weight more than 87kg.. fuhh..

last year, 2010.. i lost 8kg.. then, gain back, 10kg.. what the fcuk. so, this year.. this month, i promise to myself that i will lost at least 10kgs and i will run more than 80km to lose the weight...

today, i have already run a total of 4.7km and i have lost 320.4kcal... so,from now, i will change my blog to... "A JOURNEY TO BE A MARATHON RUNNER"